Hispanic Pentecostalism Bibliography
Below is a partial bibliography of our holdings on Latin American/Hispanic Pentecostalism. We welcome any suggestions for other materials that we might be able to add.
Revised: 2022
Revised: 2022
Books, Dissertations, and Theses
Albanez, Miguel Angelo. Introduction to the History of the Pentecostal Movement in Brazil. Th.M. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1996. (Text in Portuguese) [Pent BR1644.5.B7 A4]
Almirudis, Hiram. Antologia de homilias biblicas: bosquejos para sermones expositivos. San Antonio, Texas : Editorial Evangelica, 1977-1980. [Church BV4223 .A4]
—. A Commentary on the Church of God Declaration of Faith for Latin American Churches. D.Min. Thesis, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1981. [Church BX7034.A4 C6]
—. Curso bíblico por correspondencia de la Iglesia de Dios. 2 edición, San Antonio, Texas : editorial Evangelica, 1975. (24 lessons) [Church BS610.S6 C8]
—. Los dones del espíritu: una exégesis. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangelica, 1978. [Church BT767.3 .A45 1978]
—. El fruto del espíritu: una exégesis. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangelica, 1979. [Church BS2685.2 .A43]
—. Rayos de esperanza, aumentado. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangélica, [1952]. [Church BV507 .R38 1952]
Alvarez, Miguel. A Strategy for Achieving Cooperation Among the Evangelical Bodies of Honduras. D.Min. Thesis, Ashland Theological Seminary, 1992. [Church BR625.H65 A4]
Bennett, Charles. Tinder in Tabasco: A Study of Church Growth in Tropical Mexico. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968. [Pent. BV2837.T3 B4]
Berg, Daniel. Enviado por Deus. 2nd ed. Sao Paulo: Grafica Sao Jose, 19??. [Pent. BV2853.B7 B4]
Bewick, Guillermo Cook. Análisis Socio-teológico del Movimiento de Renovación Carismática con Referencia Especial al Caso Costarricense. San José, C.R.: Publicaciones INDEF, 1973. [Pent BX8762.A45 C67]
Bonilla, David. Nuestras raíces: la historia del Distrito Multicultural de la Florida, anteriormente conocido como el Distrito Hispano del Este. 2014. [Pent BX8765.5.A43 F56 2014]
Carrillo Alday, Salvador. El Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo. 3a edición. México: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1974. [Pent BT123 .C32 1974]
—. La Renovación Carismática y las Comunidades Religiosas. 2nd ed. México: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1975. [Pent BX2350.57.C257]
—. Renovación Cristiana en el Espíritu Santo. 2a ed. Mexico: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1973. [Pent BT121.2 .C257 1973]
—. Renovación Cristiana en el Espíritu Santo. 4a ed. Mexico: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1974. [Pent BT121.2 .C257 1974]
Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) World Missions Board. South of the Rio Bravo. Cleveland, TN: Church of God World Missions Board, 1952. [Church BV2831.C485 1952 c.2]
Conde, Emilio. Caminhos do mundo antigo: viagens. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora da Assembléias de Deus. [Pent DS107.3 .C7]
—. Deus e o homem. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora da Assembléias de Deus. [Pent BT75 .C645]
—. Etapas da vida espiritual. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus, 1962. [Pent BV4501.2 .C647 1962]
—. História das Assembleias de Deus no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Assembleias de Deus, 1960. [Pent BX6198.A735 B7 1960]
—. Nos domínios da fé. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus, 1962. [Pent BX6198.A75 C65]
—. Pentecoste para todos : doutrina do Espírito Santo. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora da Assembléias de Deus, [between 1900 and 1999]. [Pent BT121.2 .C5943 1900]
—. Tesouro de conhecimentos bíblicos. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus, [entre 1960 y 1969?]. [Pent BX6198.A75 C655 v.1, v.2]
—. O testemunho dos séculos: história e doutrina. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Evangeĺicos, 1960. [Pent BX6198.A7 C6 1960]
Consulta de Lideras Educacionales. Iglesia de Dios, St. Just, Puerto Rico, Julio 25-29, 1977. [Church BX7032.A2 C65 1977]
Cook, Guillermo, ed. New Face of the Church in Latin America. American Society of Missiology Series, 18. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1994. [Pent. BR600.N49 1994]
Church of God. Statistical Report: Latin America. Cleveland Tennessee 1957, 1958. [Church BV2831.C48 1957, 1958]
Church of God World Missions. Church Growth Analysis. Vol. 3: Central America; Vol. 4: South America; Vol. 6: Mexico. Church of God World Missions Board, 1979. [Church BV2595.C48 C47 v3, v4, v6]
Compendio de Minutas de la Iglesia de Dios "M. B." de Puerto Rico. St. Just, Puerto Rico: Iglesia de Dios "M. B.", 1969. [Church BX7032.Z7 P8]
Curry, Donald Edward. Lusiada: An Anthropological Study of the Growth of Protestantism in Brazil. Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1968. [Pent BX4836.B8 C8]
Dantas, Elias. O Movimento Pentecostal Brasileiro: Sua Historia e Influencia Sobre as Denominacoes Traditionais no Brasil. Th.M. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1988 (Portuguese, with summary in English) [Pent BR1644.5.B7 D35 1988]
Dominguez, Roberto. Pioneros de Pentecostes En el Mundo de Habla Hispana. Vol. 1: Norteamerica y las Antillas; Vol. 2: Mexico y Centroamericano; Vol. 3: Venezuela y Columbia. Barcelona: Editorial Clie, 1990. [Pent BR1644.D65 v1, v2, v3]
Drost, Bill. A Destiny Beyond Death. Burlington, Ont.: Welsh, 1985. (Colombia) [Pent BV2853.C8 D76 1985]
—. Man with a destiny: Bill Drost, the Pentecost. Burlington, Ont.: Welch, [1983]. (Colombia) [Pent BV2853 .C8 D76 1983]
Drost, T. Wynn. El Salvador in Revival. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1983 (United Pentecostal Church). [Pent BX8778.Z7 S23 1987]
—. Mission, revival. T.W. Drost, 1988. [Pent BV2840 .D76 1988]
—. Orchestrating revival: a story of missions in Mexico. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, [1996]. [Pent BX8778.Z7 .M63 1996]
Endruveit, Wilson Harle. Pentecostalism in Brazil: A Historical and Theological Study of its Characteristics. Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, 1975. [Pent BR1644.E52]
Dempster, Murray W. Called & empowered: Pentecostal perspectives on global mission. Peabody, MA : Hendrickson, 1991. [Pent BV2565 .C35 1991]
—. The globalization of Pentecostalism: a religion made to travel. Irvine, Calif.: Regnum, 1999. [Pent BR1644 .G55 1999]
d’Epinay, Christian Lalive. Haven of the Masses: A Study of the Pentecostal Movement in Chile. Lutterworth Press, 1969. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C514]
Estrada Adorno, Wilfredo. 100 años después: la ruta del Pentecostalismo Puertorriqueño. Cleveland, TN: Centro Estudios Latinos Publicaciones, 2016. [Pent BR1644.5.P9 E88 2016]
—. El fuego está encendido: infancia del Pentecostalismo Puertorriqueno y su impacto en la sociedad. Cleveland, TN: Centro Estudios Latinos Publicaciones, 2016. [Pent BR1644.5.P9 E89 2016]
—. The Reconciliation of Charismatic Pastors and Bible College Professors in the Service of Training for Future Ministry in the Pentecostal Bible College of the Church of God. D.Min. Thesis, Emory University, 1982. [Church BX7033.E8]
Flora, Cornelia Butler. Pentecostalism in Colombia. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1976. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C643]
Furman, C.T. Guatemala and the Story of Chuce. Cleveland, TN: Church of God Publishing House, 1940. [Church BV2843.G8 F8]
Gates, Charles Wise. The Brazilian Revival of 1952: Its Antecedents and its Effects. D.Miss. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982. [Pent BV3777.B82 G25]
Gill, Kenneth D. Toward a Contextualized Theology for the Third World: The Emergence and Development of Jesus’ Name Pentecostalism in Mexico. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1994. [Pent BX7990.I4 G55 1994 c. 2]
Glazier, Stephen D., ed. Perspectives on Pentecostalism: Case Studies from the Caribbean and Latin America. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1980. [Pent BR1644.5.C37 P47]
Gotay, Samuel Silva. Protestantismo y Politca in Puerto Rico, 1898-1930. San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1997. [Pent BX4835.P8 S55 1997]
Hargrave, O.T. A History of the Church of God in Mexico. M.A. Thesis, Trinity University, 1958. [Church BV2835.H37 1958]
Hargrave, Vessie D. Evangelical social work in Latin America. M.S. Thesis, Trinity University, 1951. [Church BV2831 .H37 1951]
—. Manantiales del predicador. Cleveland, Tenn.: V. Hargrave, [1958- ]. [Church BV4217 .H3 v.1 , v.3 , v.8]
—. Moved by the Spirit. San Antonio, Tex : Evangelical Pub. House, [1957]. [Church Pamph BV2067 .H37]
—. The church and world missions. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway Press, 1970. [Church BV2410 .H37]
—. Undaunted by Obstacles. San Antonio: Evangelical Publishing House, 1960 (autobiography). [Church BX7034.Z8 H35]
Harrell, Billy W. The Honduras Holiness Church. M.A. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [Pent BV652.25 H77 H29]
Hoffnagel, Judith C. True Believers: Pentecostalism in a Brazilian City. Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University, 1978. [Pent. BX8765.5.A45 B65 1991]
Hoover, W.C. Historia del Avivamiento Penteocostal en Chile. Valparaíso: Imprenta Excelsior, 1948. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C486]
—. Historia del Avivamiento Penteocostal en Chile. Reedición de la obra original publicada en 1926. Concepción, Chile: Centro Evangélico de Estudios Pentecostales, 2000. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C486 2000]
—. History of the Pentecostal revival in Chile. Santiago, Chile: Imprenta Eben-Ezer, [2000]. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C4865 2000]
Hughes, Ray H. Distintivos de la iglesia de Dios. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangelica, 1970. Translated into Spanish by Hiram Almirudis. [Church BX7034 .H76]
Into the Harvest. Church of God International Training Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 3-7, 1977. [Church BX7032.A2 I35 1977 (Spanish Edition)]
Johnson, Norbert E. The History, Dynamic, and Problems of the Pentecostal Movement in Chile. Th.M. Thesis, Union Theological Seminary, 1970. [Pent BX8762.C5 J68]
LaRuffa, Anthony L. Pentecostalism in a Puerto Rican Community. Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1966. [Pent BR1644.5 P9 L28 1991]
LeRoy, Douglas. Marcos Mazzucco: The Man with Camel’s Knees. Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1970. (Church of God, Argentina) [Church BX7034.Z8 M37]
—. Il pastore dalle ginocchia di cammello: una biografia di Marcos Mazzucco, pioniere in Argentina. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway Press, 1998. [Church Pamph BX7034.Z8 M37 1998]
—. Work hard, have fun, make friends : the story of Men and Women of Action, volunteers in construction and disaster relief. Cleveland, Tenn.: Derek Press, 2017. [Church BV2595.C48 .L47 2017]
Lugo, Juan L. Pentecostes en Puerto Rico: O, la Vida de un Misionero. N.p.: 1951 (Church of God). [Church BR1644.5.P9 L83]
Lorenzo, Victor. “Evangelizing a city dedicated to darkness.” In Wagner, C. Peter. Breaking Strongholds In Your City. Ventura, California: Regal, 1993. 171-193. [Pent BT981 .B654 1993 c.2]
Martin, David. Pentecostalism: the world their parish. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. [Pent BR1644 .M3 2002]
—. Strange gifts?: a guide to charismatic renewal. New York: Blackwell, 1984. [Pent BR1644 .S77 1984]
—. Secularisation, Pentecostalism, and violence: receptions, rediscoveries, and rebuttals in the sociology of religion. New York: Routledge, 2017. [Pent BL60 .M3263 2017]
—. Tongues of Fire: The Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990. [Pent BX4832.5.M37 1990]
McGavran, Donald. Church Growth in Mexico. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1963. [Pent BX4833.M4 M3]
Morley, Lewis. Now It Can Be Told: An Unforgettable Story of Pentecostalism in Colombia. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1983 (United Pentecostal Church) [Pent BV2853.C8 M67]
Noaes, Regina. Os Escolhidos de Deus: Pentecostais, Trabalhadores e Cidadania. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Estudos de Religião, 1985. [Pent BX8765.5.A45 B66 1985]
Nuñez, Emilio A. and William D. Taylor. Crisis in Latin America: An Evangelical Perspective. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1989. [Pent BR600.N86 1989]
—. Crisis and hope in Latin America: an evangelical perspective. Pasadena, Calif. : William Carey Library, 1996. [Pent BR600 .N86 1996]
Orr, J. Edwin. Evangelical Awakenings in Latin America. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1978. [Pent BV3777.L3 D77]
—. The flaming tongue: the impact of twentieth century revivals. Chicago: Moody Press, 1973. [Pent BV3770 .O68]
Ortiz, Manuel. Leadership Training Text for Second Generation Hispanic Church Planting. D.Min. Thesis, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1989. [Pent BV4468.2.H57 O77 1989]
Padilla, Washington. La Iglesia y los Dioses Moderno: Historia del Protestantismo en la Ecuador. Quito: Corporacion Editora Nacional, 1989. [Pent BX4836.E2 P33 1989]
Page, John. Brasil para Cristo: The Cultural Construction of Pentecostal Networks in Brazil. Ph.D. Thesis, New York University, 1984. [Pent BR1644.5.B7 P34 1990]
Perez-Torres, Ruben. The Pastor’s Role in Educational Ministry in the Pentecostal Church of God in Puerto Rico. D.Min. Thesis, Claremont School of Theology, 1979. [Pent BX8773.15.Z5 P47]
—. “Poder desde lo alto”: historia y contribuciones del pentecostalismo en Puerto Rico y en los Estados Unidos Hispanos. Caguas, P.R.: MIREC, 1997. [Church BR1644.5.P9 P463 1997]
Peterson, Douglas. Not by Might Nor by Power: A Pentecostal Theology of Social Concern in Latin America. Oxford: Regnum, 1996. [Pent BX8762.Z7.L37 1996]
Pytches, David. Foreigners and Religious Liberty in 19th Century Chile. Thesis, 1984? [Pent BR680.P999]
Read, William R. Avance Evangelico en la America Latina. Casa Bautista de Publicasiones, 1970. [Pent BR600.R372]
—. New patterns of church growth in Brazil. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965. [Pent BV2853.B6 R35]
Reyes, Jose A. Los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos: Un Reto y una Oportunidad para la Iglesia. Cleveland, TN: White Wing Publishing House, 1985. (Church of God of Prophecy) [Pent E184.H57 R49 1985]
—. The Hispanics in the United States: a challenge and an opportunity for the Church. Cleveland, TN: White Wing Pub. House and Press, 1991. [Pent E184.S75 R49 1991]
Rolim, Francisco Cartaxo. Pentecostais No Brasil: Una Interpretacão Sócio-Religiosa. Petropolis: Vozes, 1985. [Pent BX8762.A45 B67 1985]
Scarborough, Peggy. J.H. Ingram: Missionary Dean. Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1966. [Church BX7034.Z8 I53]
—. Maria Atkinson: a biography of Maria Atkinson, the founder of the Church of God in Mexico. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway. [Church BX7034.Z8 A8]
—. Maria Atkinson: La Madre de México: no doubts here. Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1967. [Church BX7034.Z8 S32]
Stoll, David. Is Latin America Turning Protestant?: The Politics of Evangelical Growth. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. [Pent BR1644.L29 S76 1990]
—. América Latina se vuelve protestante?: las políticas de crecimiento evangélico. Cayambe, Ecuador: Abya-Yala. [Pent BR1642.L29 S7618]
Taylor, Clyde W. and Wade T. Coggins, eds. Protestant Missions in Latin America: A Statistical Survey. Washington, D.C.: Evangelical Foreign Missions Association, 1961. [Pent BV2831.P7 and Suppl.]
Una Iglesia Triunfante: 50 Anos de Historia de la Iglesia de Dios "Mission Board" Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico: Church of God, 1994. [Church BX7032.Z7 P88 1994]
Villafañe, Eldin. The Liberating Spirit: Toward an Hispanic American Pentecostal Social Ethic. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993. [Pent BJ1251.V55 1993]
—. El Espíritu liberador: hacia una ética social pentecostal hispanoamericana. Buenos Aires: Nueva Creación, 1996. [Pent BT738 .V4318 1996]
—. Manda fuego, Señor: introducción al Pentecostalismo. Nashville: Abingdon, 2012. [Pent BR1644.5.L29 V55 2012]
—. Toward an Hispanic American Pentecostal social ethic, with special reference to North Eastern United States. 1989. [Pent BT738 .V455 1989]
Wagner, C. Peter. The Protestant Movement in Bolivia. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1970. [Pent BX4836.B6 W3]
—. The Rising revival: firsthand accounts of the incredible Argentine revival--and how it can spread throughout the world. Ventura, Calif.: Renew, 1998. [Pent BV3777.A7 R57 1998]
—. What are we missing? Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, 1978. [Pent BX8762. Z7 L38 1978]
—. Look out the Pentecostals are coming. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, Illinois, 1973. [Pent BX8762. Z7 L38 1973]
Waldrop, Richard E. An Historical and Critical Review of the Full Gospel Church of God in Guatemala. D.Miss. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993. [Church BX8762.Z7 G83 1993b]
Willems, Emilio. Followers of the New Faith: Culture Change and the Rise of Protestantism in Brazil and Chile. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967. [Pent. BX4836.B8 W5 c3]
Wilson, Everett A. "Passion and Power: A Profile of Emergent Latin American Pentecostalism." In Called and Empowered: Global Mission in Pentecostal Perspective, pp. 67-97. Ed. by Murray A. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus and Douglas Petersen. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1991. [Pent BV2565.C35 1991]
Zaldivar, Raul. El rostro hispano de Jesús. Elgin, Ill.: Editorial Universidad Para Líderes, 2009. [Church BT304.918 .Z34 2009]
—. El rostro hispano de Jesús: una visión cultural, hermenéutica y pastoral. Viladecavalls, Spain: Editorial CLIE, 2014. [Church BT304.918 .Z34 2014]
Barbosa, Roberto. "Bread and Gospel: Affirming a Total Faith." Christian Century 91 (Dec. 25, 1974): 1223-36 (Brazil). [Pent. Art. Barbosa Roberto]
Betancourt, Esdras. "Hispanic Pentecostals: History and Mission." Paper presented to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 11-13, 1993. [Pent BX8762.A1 S67 1993]
Damboriena, Prudencio. "The Pentecostals in Chile." Catholic Mind 6:1161 (March 1962): 27-32. [Pent. Art. Damboriena]
Escobar, Samuel E. "What’s Happening to the Fastest Growing Church in the World?" HIS 34:1 (October 1973): 8-11 (Latin America). [Pent. Art. Escobar]
Gaxiola-Gaxiola, Manuel. "Indian Spirituality and Catholic Eschatology: Their Influence on Latin American Pentecostalism." Paper presented to the 20th Annual Meetingof the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Dallas, TX, November 8-10, 1990. [Pent. BX8762.A1 S67 1990]
Soderlund, Sven. "Word and Spirit: Personal Reflections on Pentecostalism in North and South America." Paper presented to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 11-13, 1993. [Pent BX8762.A1 S67 1993]
Wilson, E.A. "Hispanic Pentecostalism." Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. pp. 390-400. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. [Pent Ref BR1644.D53 1988]
Carta Pastoral, Church of God Office of Hispanic Ministries.
September 1989 - Current.
V. 28, Numero 3 ( jul-sep 1988)
V. 30, Numero 1 ( ene-mar 1990)
V. 30, Numero 3 ( jul-sep 1990)
V. 30, Número 4 (oct-diciem 1990)
El Comunicador, Church of God Newsletter for Missionaries.
1978 - current
El Consejero Fiel, Movimiento Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostes Independiente, A.R.
1981 - current
Evangelie Blade
V. 70, number 10, (Dec-Jan. 1991/1992)
V. 73, Number 11 (Dec-Jan 1994/1995)
El Evangelio, Church of God.
v. 1 - 9 (1945-54)
v. 12 - 16 (1957-61)
v. 18 - 19 (1963-64)
v. 21, no 18 (August 1966)
v. 22 (1967)
v. 24 (1969) - current
Fiel, Iglesias Pentecostales de España.
1980 - current
La Mensaje de la Cruz, Bethany College.
1985 - current
Nuevos Horizontes, Church of God Territorio Surreste Hispano.
January 1981
Noticas de la Iglesia de Dios, Territorio Central Este, Argentina.
1979 - 1986 Various issues
Pastoralia, Centro Evangelico Latinamericano de Estudios Pastorales Guatemala.
v. 7, no 15 (1985)
v. 10 - 13 (1988-91)
La Senda Juvenil, Church of God.
v. 40 - 43 (1990-93)
Information Files
Assemblies of God—Central Latin American District
Assemblies of God—Southeastern Spanish District (Orlando, FL)
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Argentina
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Bolivia
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Brazil
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Cuba
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Central America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Chile
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Colombia
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Costa Rica
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Dominican Republic
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Ecuador
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Editorial Evangélica
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—El Salvador
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Guatemala
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Hispanic Congress, 1st
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Hispanic Institute of Ministry
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Hispanic Ministries
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Honduras
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico Centro America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico Berea
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico de Guatemala
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico del Noreste
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico Interamericano
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Latin America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Latin American Department (San Antonio, TX)
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Mexico
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Nicaragua
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Northeastern Hispanic Region
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Office of Hispanic Ministries
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Panama
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Paraguay
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Peru
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Puerto Rico
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Seminario Biblico Mexicano
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Seminario Bíblico Mexicano (Hermosillo, Sonora)
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—South Central Hispanic Region
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—South Eastern Hispanic Region
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Spanish Institute of Ministry
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Uruguay Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Venezuela
Church of God of Prophecy—Cuba
Church of God of Prophecy—Dominican Republic
Church of God of Prophecy—Latin America
Church of God of Prophecy—Mexico
Church of God of Prophecy—Spanish Ministries
Church of God School of Theology—International Center for Hispanic Studies
Church of God School of Theology—Puerto Rico Extension
Colegio Bíblico Pentecostal de Puerto Rico
Hargrave, Vessie
Minay, Jose
McCall, William and Frances
Pentecostalism—Latin America
Pentecostal Theological Seminary—Center for Latino Studies
Serving Orphans Worldwide
Syverson, H.S.
Special Collections
Bill Watson, Vault Box 73
Church of God, Costa Rica, Vault Box 278
Church of God, Guatemala, Vault Box 212
Church of God, Puerto Rico, Vault Box 229
El Evangelio de la iglesia de Dios, México, Vault 291
French L. and Frances T. Arrington collection, M0008
International Latin Seminary—Panama, Vault Box 74, 75, 225, 300
Lovell Cary papers, M0005
Luke Summers collection, M0096
J.H. Walker, Jr., Vault Box 70
O'Neil McCullough collection, M0065
Vessie D Hargrave, Vault Box 208 and M0064
Vergil E. Wolf collection, M0045
William and Frances McCall collection, M0063
Audiocassette Tapes
Alfaro, Humberto. El Papel del Hombre Como Esposo #3 Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Betancourt, Esdras. Cómo Desarrollar un Ministerio Efectivo Entre los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos, Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Burgueno, Fidencio. Ideas y Programas para Grupos Juveniles Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Gaetan, Aida. Integracion de la Mujer Hispana: Un Estudio de la Cultura, Sociedad y la Iglesia Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Hagan, Orville. Hispanic Church of God School of Theology Seminar on Ministry, 1987.
Minay, Jose G. El Papel del Hombre Como Padre Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Palazuelos, Regino. Identificando Valores Christianos:Como Tratar con Situaciones de Crisis Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Quintana, Hector. El Papel del Hombre Como Cristiano Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Rodriguez, Victor. Hispanic Church Growth within Language/Culture Groups. Church of God School of Theology, Seminar on Ministry, 1987 (2 cassette tapes). [Church Tape 19-028, 19-029]
Santana, Lazaro, “The Dynamics of Prayer (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988
—. “The Prayer Life of Christ (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988.
—. “The Pastor and His Prayer Life (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988.
—. “The World Moved by Prayer (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988.
Pentecostal Theological Seminary Senior Project Papers
Abdala, Geraldo M. Obstaculos en la Desarolla de la Iglesia Misionera en Latinoamerica, 1990.
Aponte, Petra Santa. Creacion de Programa de Capellania para Centro de Tratamiento Social (Hogar de Ninas) de Puerto Rico, 1986.
Arias, Francisco J. La Ciudad de Mexico: Desafios y Alternativas de la Iglesia Metropolitana, 1990.
Arvizu, Rafael. El Programa de Ministerio Supervisado en el Seminario Biblico Mexicano, 1986.
Avilez, Manuel Leyva. Crecimiento de al Iglesia de Dios en la Noroeste de Mexico, 1988.
Bernal, Leonel N. Hacia un Ministerio en El Salvador, 1990.
Colon, Victor. Mision de la Iglesia Hispana Contemporanea en los Estados Unidos, 1995.
Canizalez, Carlos N. El Significado de la Glosolalia en Perspectiva Pentecostal y Latinoamericana, 1995.
Caraballo, Ildefonso. Reflections of a Bible College Teacher, 1986. (Pentecostal Bible College, Puerto Rico).
Cardenas, Fernando. Perspective Integral de un Liderato Hispano de la Iglesia de Dios en los Estados Unidos, 1991.
Carvalho, Sila P. History of the Church of God in Brazil, 1988.
Cedillo, Jose, Chicanos, Choice and Challenge: A Bilingual-Bicultural Model of Ministry for the Mexican-Americans of the Hispanic Church of God in the United States, 1992.
Farias, Sergio. Analisis Historico del Ministerio Educacional Hispano de la Eglesia de Dios en los Estados Unidos: El Instituto Preparatorio Internacional, el Instituto Ministerial Hispano, y la Division Hispana en West Coast Christian College, 1991.
Giron, Rodolfo J. An Historical and Critical Analysis of the Church of God in Guatemala, 1984.
Guerra, Carlos E. Minchez. Historia de la Iglesia di Dios E. C. en Costa Rica, 1993.
Lopez, Javier M. Educacion Teologica por Extension en Mexico, 1994.
Lugo, Ruben. Historia, Desarollo y Analisis de la Iglesia de Dios Hispana en al Territorio Noreste de los Estados Unidos, 1988.
Macon, Maria. El Ministerio Social de la Iglesia de Dios en Guatemala: Reflexiones Acerca del Trabajo Que Realiza el Hogar de Ninos `Casa Shalom’ en Guatemala, 1994.
Montgomery, Israel. Historia, Desarrollo y Analisis de la Iglesia de Dios en al Noroeste de Mexico, 1985.
Nunez, Nelly. Cristo Me Salvo Y Los Pleneros De La Fe.
Orellana, Enrique. An Innovative Concept of a Christian Education Program for the Ecclesiastic Structure of Chile, 1990.
Orozco, German Lopez. Hacia Demension Sociologica del Pentecostalismo Latinoamericano, 1990.
Porras, Jorge A. The Church of God in Colombia: Its Problems and Opportunities from a Colombian Perspective, 1984.
Reyes, Jose A. Los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos un Reto y una Oportunidad para la Iglesia Evangelico, 1984.
Rodriguez, Victor. Crisis and Formation of Identity of the Church of God, 1985. (Hispanic American Ministry).
Sanchez, F. Abel. La Necesidad de una Teologia del Ministrerio, 1990. (Mexico).
Serrano, Ismael, Jr. The Concept of Decentralized Theological Training for Church Leadership in the Republic of Costa Rica, 1990.
Smith, Bedford H. You Can Get to Heaven from Mississippi: A Pentecostal Missionary’s Personal Journey, 1987 (Pentecostal Bible College, Puerto Rico).
Spiegeler, Donald. Missions: A Positive Response, 1986 (Guatemala).
Viera, Luis R. Modelo Contextualizado de Entrenamiento para Lideres Laicos, 1992 (Hispanic American Ministry).
Assemblies of God in Honduras, Estatutos de la Conferencia Evangelica de las Asambleas de Dios en Honduras, C.A. nueva edicion revisada, 1965, Pamphlet Collection, P-0083.
Assemblies of God Foreign Missions Department. Prayer Requests, May–June 1932, Pamphlet Collection, 01341.
Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.). Programa de Evangelismo y Misiones en La Republica Mexicana. undated. Pamphlet Collection, 01144.
Fagúndez, Washington. Historia Oficial de la Iglesia de Dios en el Uruguay Misiones Mundiales, 2000, Pamphlet collection, 01142.
Incienso No. 3: Para Cultos del Concilio Misionero Femenil, 1948, Pamphlet collection, P-0090.
Latin American District Council in the U.S.A. of the Assemblies of God. Concilio de Distrito Latinoamericano de las Asambleas de Dios: Constitucion, Reglamentos, Minutas, Directorio Ministerial, 1947, Pamphlet collection, P-0097.
Spanish Institute of Ministry, Quiero Cantar..., 1977. pamphlet collection, 01147.
Vargas, Amparo. Temario Feminil, Edicion de Aniversario, 1975, Pamphlet collection, P-0091.
Watson, Rode. Ministério Feminino, 1985, [Portuguese] Pamphlet Collection, 01100.
Albanez, Miguel Angelo. Introduction to the History of the Pentecostal Movement in Brazil. Th.M. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1996. (Text in Portuguese) [Pent BR1644.5.B7 A4]
Almirudis, Hiram. Antologia de homilias biblicas: bosquejos para sermones expositivos. San Antonio, Texas : Editorial Evangelica, 1977-1980. [Church BV4223 .A4]
—. A Commentary on the Church of God Declaration of Faith for Latin American Churches. D.Min. Thesis, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1981. [Church BX7034.A4 C6]
—. Curso bíblico por correspondencia de la Iglesia de Dios. 2 edición, San Antonio, Texas : editorial Evangelica, 1975. (24 lessons) [Church BS610.S6 C8]
—. Los dones del espíritu: una exégesis. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangelica, 1978. [Church BT767.3 .A45 1978]
—. El fruto del espíritu: una exégesis. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangelica, 1979. [Church BS2685.2 .A43]
—. Rayos de esperanza, aumentado. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangélica, [1952]. [Church BV507 .R38 1952]
Alvarez, Miguel. A Strategy for Achieving Cooperation Among the Evangelical Bodies of Honduras. D.Min. Thesis, Ashland Theological Seminary, 1992. [Church BR625.H65 A4]
Bennett, Charles. Tinder in Tabasco: A Study of Church Growth in Tropical Mexico. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968. [Pent. BV2837.T3 B4]
Berg, Daniel. Enviado por Deus. 2nd ed. Sao Paulo: Grafica Sao Jose, 19??. [Pent. BV2853.B7 B4]
Bewick, Guillermo Cook. Análisis Socio-teológico del Movimiento de Renovación Carismática con Referencia Especial al Caso Costarricense. San José, C.R.: Publicaciones INDEF, 1973. [Pent BX8762.A45 C67]
Bonilla, David. Nuestras raíces: la historia del Distrito Multicultural de la Florida, anteriormente conocido como el Distrito Hispano del Este. 2014. [Pent BX8765.5.A43 F56 2014]
Carrillo Alday, Salvador. El Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo. 3a edición. México: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1974. [Pent BT123 .C32 1974]
—. La Renovación Carismática y las Comunidades Religiosas. 2nd ed. México: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1975. [Pent BX2350.57.C257]
—. Renovación Cristiana en el Espíritu Santo. 2a ed. Mexico: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1973. [Pent BT121.2 .C257 1973]
—. Renovación Cristiana en el Espíritu Santo. 4a ed. Mexico: Instituto de Sagrada Escritura, 1974. [Pent BT121.2 .C257 1974]
Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.) World Missions Board. South of the Rio Bravo. Cleveland, TN: Church of God World Missions Board, 1952. [Church BV2831.C485 1952 c.2]
Conde, Emilio. Caminhos do mundo antigo: viagens. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora da Assembléias de Deus. [Pent DS107.3 .C7]
—. Deus e o homem. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora da Assembléias de Deus. [Pent BT75 .C645]
—. Etapas da vida espiritual. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus, 1962. [Pent BV4501.2 .C647 1962]
—. História das Assembleias de Deus no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Assembleias de Deus, 1960. [Pent BX6198.A735 B7 1960]
—. Nos domínios da fé. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus, 1962. [Pent BX6198.A75 C65]
—. Pentecoste para todos : doutrina do Espírito Santo. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora da Assembléias de Deus, [between 1900 and 1999]. [Pent BT121.2 .C5943 1900]
—. Tesouro de conhecimentos bíblicos. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Publicadora das Assembléias de Deus, [entre 1960 y 1969?]. [Pent BX6198.A75 C655 v.1, v.2]
—. O testemunho dos séculos: história e doutrina. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Evangeĺicos, 1960. [Pent BX6198.A7 C6 1960]
Consulta de Lideras Educacionales. Iglesia de Dios, St. Just, Puerto Rico, Julio 25-29, 1977. [Church BX7032.A2 C65 1977]
Cook, Guillermo, ed. New Face of the Church in Latin America. American Society of Missiology Series, 18. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1994. [Pent. BR600.N49 1994]
Church of God. Statistical Report: Latin America. Cleveland Tennessee 1957, 1958. [Church BV2831.C48 1957, 1958]
Church of God World Missions. Church Growth Analysis. Vol. 3: Central America; Vol. 4: South America; Vol. 6: Mexico. Church of God World Missions Board, 1979. [Church BV2595.C48 C47 v3, v4, v6]
Compendio de Minutas de la Iglesia de Dios "M. B." de Puerto Rico. St. Just, Puerto Rico: Iglesia de Dios "M. B.", 1969. [Church BX7032.Z7 P8]
Curry, Donald Edward. Lusiada: An Anthropological Study of the Growth of Protestantism in Brazil. Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1968. [Pent BX4836.B8 C8]
Dantas, Elias. O Movimento Pentecostal Brasileiro: Sua Historia e Influencia Sobre as Denominacoes Traditionais no Brasil. Th.M. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1988 (Portuguese, with summary in English) [Pent BR1644.5.B7 D35 1988]
Dominguez, Roberto. Pioneros de Pentecostes En el Mundo de Habla Hispana. Vol. 1: Norteamerica y las Antillas; Vol. 2: Mexico y Centroamericano; Vol. 3: Venezuela y Columbia. Barcelona: Editorial Clie, 1990. [Pent BR1644.D65 v1, v2, v3]
Drost, Bill. A Destiny Beyond Death. Burlington, Ont.: Welsh, 1985. (Colombia) [Pent BV2853.C8 D76 1985]
—. Man with a destiny: Bill Drost, the Pentecost. Burlington, Ont.: Welch, [1983]. (Colombia) [Pent BV2853 .C8 D76 1983]
Drost, T. Wynn. El Salvador in Revival. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1983 (United Pentecostal Church). [Pent BX8778.Z7 S23 1987]
—. Mission, revival. T.W. Drost, 1988. [Pent BV2840 .D76 1988]
—. Orchestrating revival: a story of missions in Mexico. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, [1996]. [Pent BX8778.Z7 .M63 1996]
Endruveit, Wilson Harle. Pentecostalism in Brazil: A Historical and Theological Study of its Characteristics. Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, 1975. [Pent BR1644.E52]
Dempster, Murray W. Called & empowered: Pentecostal perspectives on global mission. Peabody, MA : Hendrickson, 1991. [Pent BV2565 .C35 1991]
—. The globalization of Pentecostalism: a religion made to travel. Irvine, Calif.: Regnum, 1999. [Pent BR1644 .G55 1999]
d’Epinay, Christian Lalive. Haven of the Masses: A Study of the Pentecostal Movement in Chile. Lutterworth Press, 1969. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C514]
Estrada Adorno, Wilfredo. 100 años después: la ruta del Pentecostalismo Puertorriqueño. Cleveland, TN: Centro Estudios Latinos Publicaciones, 2016. [Pent BR1644.5.P9 E88 2016]
—. El fuego está encendido: infancia del Pentecostalismo Puertorriqueno y su impacto en la sociedad. Cleveland, TN: Centro Estudios Latinos Publicaciones, 2016. [Pent BR1644.5.P9 E89 2016]
—. The Reconciliation of Charismatic Pastors and Bible College Professors in the Service of Training for Future Ministry in the Pentecostal Bible College of the Church of God. D.Min. Thesis, Emory University, 1982. [Church BX7033.E8]
Flora, Cornelia Butler. Pentecostalism in Colombia. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1976. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C643]
Furman, C.T. Guatemala and the Story of Chuce. Cleveland, TN: Church of God Publishing House, 1940. [Church BV2843.G8 F8]
Gates, Charles Wise. The Brazilian Revival of 1952: Its Antecedents and its Effects. D.Miss. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982. [Pent BV3777.B82 G25]
Gill, Kenneth D. Toward a Contextualized Theology for the Third World: The Emergence and Development of Jesus’ Name Pentecostalism in Mexico. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1994. [Pent BX7990.I4 G55 1994 c. 2]
Glazier, Stephen D., ed. Perspectives on Pentecostalism: Case Studies from the Caribbean and Latin America. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1980. [Pent BR1644.5.C37 P47]
Gotay, Samuel Silva. Protestantismo y Politca in Puerto Rico, 1898-1930. San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1997. [Pent BX4835.P8 S55 1997]
Hargrave, O.T. A History of the Church of God in Mexico. M.A. Thesis, Trinity University, 1958. [Church BV2835.H37 1958]
Hargrave, Vessie D. Evangelical social work in Latin America. M.S. Thesis, Trinity University, 1951. [Church BV2831 .H37 1951]
—. Manantiales del predicador. Cleveland, Tenn.: V. Hargrave, [1958- ]. [Church BV4217 .H3 v.1 , v.3 , v.8]
—. Moved by the Spirit. San Antonio, Tex : Evangelical Pub. House, [1957]. [Church Pamph BV2067 .H37]
—. The church and world missions. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway Press, 1970. [Church BV2410 .H37]
—. Undaunted by Obstacles. San Antonio: Evangelical Publishing House, 1960 (autobiography). [Church BX7034.Z8 H35]
Harrell, Billy W. The Honduras Holiness Church. M.A. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [Pent BV652.25 H77 H29]
Hoffnagel, Judith C. True Believers: Pentecostalism in a Brazilian City. Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University, 1978. [Pent. BX8765.5.A45 B65 1991]
Hoover, W.C. Historia del Avivamiento Penteocostal en Chile. Valparaíso: Imprenta Excelsior, 1948. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C486]
—. Historia del Avivamiento Penteocostal en Chile. Reedición de la obra original publicada en 1926. Concepción, Chile: Centro Evangélico de Estudios Pentecostales, 2000. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C486 2000]
—. History of the Pentecostal revival in Chile. Santiago, Chile: Imprenta Eben-Ezer, [2000]. [Pent BX8762.Z7 C4865 2000]
Hughes, Ray H. Distintivos de la iglesia de Dios. San Antonio, Texas: Editorial Evangelica, 1970. Translated into Spanish by Hiram Almirudis. [Church BX7034 .H76]
Into the Harvest. Church of God International Training Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 3-7, 1977. [Church BX7032.A2 I35 1977 (Spanish Edition)]
Johnson, Norbert E. The History, Dynamic, and Problems of the Pentecostal Movement in Chile. Th.M. Thesis, Union Theological Seminary, 1970. [Pent BX8762.C5 J68]
LaRuffa, Anthony L. Pentecostalism in a Puerto Rican Community. Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1966. [Pent BR1644.5 P9 L28 1991]
LeRoy, Douglas. Marcos Mazzucco: The Man with Camel’s Knees. Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1970. (Church of God, Argentina) [Church BX7034.Z8 M37]
—. Il pastore dalle ginocchia di cammello: una biografia di Marcos Mazzucco, pioniere in Argentina. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway Press, 1998. [Church Pamph BX7034.Z8 M37 1998]
—. Work hard, have fun, make friends : the story of Men and Women of Action, volunteers in construction and disaster relief. Cleveland, Tenn.: Derek Press, 2017. [Church BV2595.C48 .L47 2017]
Lugo, Juan L. Pentecostes en Puerto Rico: O, la Vida de un Misionero. N.p.: 1951 (Church of God). [Church BR1644.5.P9 L83]
Lorenzo, Victor. “Evangelizing a city dedicated to darkness.” In Wagner, C. Peter. Breaking Strongholds In Your City. Ventura, California: Regal, 1993. 171-193. [Pent BT981 .B654 1993 c.2]
Martin, David. Pentecostalism: the world their parish. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. [Pent BR1644 .M3 2002]
—. Strange gifts?: a guide to charismatic renewal. New York: Blackwell, 1984. [Pent BR1644 .S77 1984]
—. Secularisation, Pentecostalism, and violence: receptions, rediscoveries, and rebuttals in the sociology of religion. New York: Routledge, 2017. [Pent BL60 .M3263 2017]
—. Tongues of Fire: The Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990. [Pent BX4832.5.M37 1990]
McGavran, Donald. Church Growth in Mexico. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1963. [Pent BX4833.M4 M3]
Morley, Lewis. Now It Can Be Told: An Unforgettable Story of Pentecostalism in Colombia. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press, 1983 (United Pentecostal Church) [Pent BV2853.C8 M67]
Noaes, Regina. Os Escolhidos de Deus: Pentecostais, Trabalhadores e Cidadania. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Estudos de Religião, 1985. [Pent BX8765.5.A45 B66 1985]
Nuñez, Emilio A. and William D. Taylor. Crisis in Latin America: An Evangelical Perspective. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1989. [Pent BR600.N86 1989]
—. Crisis and hope in Latin America: an evangelical perspective. Pasadena, Calif. : William Carey Library, 1996. [Pent BR600 .N86 1996]
Orr, J. Edwin. Evangelical Awakenings in Latin America. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1978. [Pent BV3777.L3 D77]
—. The flaming tongue: the impact of twentieth century revivals. Chicago: Moody Press, 1973. [Pent BV3770 .O68]
Ortiz, Manuel. Leadership Training Text for Second Generation Hispanic Church Planting. D.Min. Thesis, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1989. [Pent BV4468.2.H57 O77 1989]
Padilla, Washington. La Iglesia y los Dioses Moderno: Historia del Protestantismo en la Ecuador. Quito: Corporacion Editora Nacional, 1989. [Pent BX4836.E2 P33 1989]
Page, John. Brasil para Cristo: The Cultural Construction of Pentecostal Networks in Brazil. Ph.D. Thesis, New York University, 1984. [Pent BR1644.5.B7 P34 1990]
Perez-Torres, Ruben. The Pastor’s Role in Educational Ministry in the Pentecostal Church of God in Puerto Rico. D.Min. Thesis, Claremont School of Theology, 1979. [Pent BX8773.15.Z5 P47]
—. “Poder desde lo alto”: historia y contribuciones del pentecostalismo en Puerto Rico y en los Estados Unidos Hispanos. Caguas, P.R.: MIREC, 1997. [Church BR1644.5.P9 P463 1997]
Peterson, Douglas. Not by Might Nor by Power: A Pentecostal Theology of Social Concern in Latin America. Oxford: Regnum, 1996. [Pent BX8762.Z7.L37 1996]
Pytches, David. Foreigners and Religious Liberty in 19th Century Chile. Thesis, 1984? [Pent BR680.P999]
Read, William R. Avance Evangelico en la America Latina. Casa Bautista de Publicasiones, 1970. [Pent BR600.R372]
—. New patterns of church growth in Brazil. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965. [Pent BV2853.B6 R35]
Reyes, Jose A. Los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos: Un Reto y una Oportunidad para la Iglesia. Cleveland, TN: White Wing Publishing House, 1985. (Church of God of Prophecy) [Pent E184.H57 R49 1985]
—. The Hispanics in the United States: a challenge and an opportunity for the Church. Cleveland, TN: White Wing Pub. House and Press, 1991. [Pent E184.S75 R49 1991]
Rolim, Francisco Cartaxo. Pentecostais No Brasil: Una Interpretacão Sócio-Religiosa. Petropolis: Vozes, 1985. [Pent BX8762.A45 B67 1985]
Scarborough, Peggy. J.H. Ingram: Missionary Dean. Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1966. [Church BX7034.Z8 I53]
—. Maria Atkinson: a biography of Maria Atkinson, the founder of the Church of God in Mexico. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway. [Church BX7034.Z8 A8]
—. Maria Atkinson: La Madre de México: no doubts here. Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 1967. [Church BX7034.Z8 S32]
Stoll, David. Is Latin America Turning Protestant?: The Politics of Evangelical Growth. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. [Pent BR1644.L29 S76 1990]
—. América Latina se vuelve protestante?: las políticas de crecimiento evangélico. Cayambe, Ecuador: Abya-Yala. [Pent BR1642.L29 S7618]
Taylor, Clyde W. and Wade T. Coggins, eds. Protestant Missions in Latin America: A Statistical Survey. Washington, D.C.: Evangelical Foreign Missions Association, 1961. [Pent BV2831.P7 and Suppl.]
Una Iglesia Triunfante: 50 Anos de Historia de la Iglesia de Dios "Mission Board" Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico: Church of God, 1994. [Church BX7032.Z7 P88 1994]
Villafañe, Eldin. The Liberating Spirit: Toward an Hispanic American Pentecostal Social Ethic. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993. [Pent BJ1251.V55 1993]
—. El Espíritu liberador: hacia una ética social pentecostal hispanoamericana. Buenos Aires: Nueva Creación, 1996. [Pent BT738 .V4318 1996]
—. Manda fuego, Señor: introducción al Pentecostalismo. Nashville: Abingdon, 2012. [Pent BR1644.5.L29 V55 2012]
—. Toward an Hispanic American Pentecostal social ethic, with special reference to North Eastern United States. 1989. [Pent BT738 .V455 1989]
Wagner, C. Peter. The Protestant Movement in Bolivia. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1970. [Pent BX4836.B6 W3]
—. The Rising revival: firsthand accounts of the incredible Argentine revival--and how it can spread throughout the world. Ventura, Calif.: Renew, 1998. [Pent BV3777.A7 R57 1998]
—. What are we missing? Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, 1978. [Pent BX8762. Z7 L38 1978]
—. Look out the Pentecostals are coming. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, Illinois, 1973. [Pent BX8762. Z7 L38 1973]
Waldrop, Richard E. An Historical and Critical Review of the Full Gospel Church of God in Guatemala. D.Miss. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993. [Church BX8762.Z7 G83 1993b]
Willems, Emilio. Followers of the New Faith: Culture Change and the Rise of Protestantism in Brazil and Chile. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967. [Pent. BX4836.B8 W5 c3]
Wilson, Everett A. "Passion and Power: A Profile of Emergent Latin American Pentecostalism." In Called and Empowered: Global Mission in Pentecostal Perspective, pp. 67-97. Ed. by Murray A. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus and Douglas Petersen. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1991. [Pent BV2565.C35 1991]
Zaldivar, Raul. El rostro hispano de Jesús. Elgin, Ill.: Editorial Universidad Para Líderes, 2009. [Church BT304.918 .Z34 2009]
—. El rostro hispano de Jesús: una visión cultural, hermenéutica y pastoral. Viladecavalls, Spain: Editorial CLIE, 2014. [Church BT304.918 .Z34 2014]
Barbosa, Roberto. "Bread and Gospel: Affirming a Total Faith." Christian Century 91 (Dec. 25, 1974): 1223-36 (Brazil). [Pent. Art. Barbosa Roberto]
Betancourt, Esdras. "Hispanic Pentecostals: History and Mission." Paper presented to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 11-13, 1993. [Pent BX8762.A1 S67 1993]
Damboriena, Prudencio. "The Pentecostals in Chile." Catholic Mind 6:1161 (March 1962): 27-32. [Pent. Art. Damboriena]
Escobar, Samuel E. "What’s Happening to the Fastest Growing Church in the World?" HIS 34:1 (October 1973): 8-11 (Latin America). [Pent. Art. Escobar]
Gaxiola-Gaxiola, Manuel. "Indian Spirituality and Catholic Eschatology: Their Influence on Latin American Pentecostalism." Paper presented to the 20th Annual Meetingof the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Dallas, TX, November 8-10, 1990. [Pent. BX8762.A1 S67 1990]
Soderlund, Sven. "Word and Spirit: Personal Reflections on Pentecostalism in North and South America." Paper presented to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 11-13, 1993. [Pent BX8762.A1 S67 1993]
Wilson, E.A. "Hispanic Pentecostalism." Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. pp. 390-400. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. [Pent Ref BR1644.D53 1988]
Carta Pastoral, Church of God Office of Hispanic Ministries.
September 1989 - Current.
V. 28, Numero 3 ( jul-sep 1988)
V. 30, Numero 1 ( ene-mar 1990)
V. 30, Numero 3 ( jul-sep 1990)
V. 30, Número 4 (oct-diciem 1990)
El Comunicador, Church of God Newsletter for Missionaries.
1978 - current
El Consejero Fiel, Movimiento Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostes Independiente, A.R.
1981 - current
Evangelie Blade
V. 70, number 10, (Dec-Jan. 1991/1992)
V. 73, Number 11 (Dec-Jan 1994/1995)
El Evangelio, Church of God.
v. 1 - 9 (1945-54)
v. 12 - 16 (1957-61)
v. 18 - 19 (1963-64)
v. 21, no 18 (August 1966)
v. 22 (1967)
v. 24 (1969) - current
Fiel, Iglesias Pentecostales de España.
1980 - current
La Mensaje de la Cruz, Bethany College.
1985 - current
Nuevos Horizontes, Church of God Territorio Surreste Hispano.
January 1981
Noticas de la Iglesia de Dios, Territorio Central Este, Argentina.
1979 - 1986 Various issues
Pastoralia, Centro Evangelico Latinamericano de Estudios Pastorales Guatemala.
v. 7, no 15 (1985)
v. 10 - 13 (1988-91)
La Senda Juvenil, Church of God.
v. 40 - 43 (1990-93)
Information Files
Assemblies of God—Central Latin American District
Assemblies of God—Southeastern Spanish District (Orlando, FL)
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Argentina
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Bolivia
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Brazil
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Cuba
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Central America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Chile
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Colombia
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Costa Rica
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Dominican Republic
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Ecuador
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Editorial Evangélica
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—El Salvador
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Guatemala
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Hispanic Congress, 1st
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Hispanic Institute of Ministry
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Hispanic Ministries
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Honduras
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico Centro America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico Berea
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico de Guatemala
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico del Noreste
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Instituto Biblico Interamericano
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Latin America
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Latin American Department (San Antonio, TX)
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Mexico
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Nicaragua
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Northeastern Hispanic Region
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Office of Hispanic Ministries
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Panama
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Paraguay
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Peru
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Puerto Rico
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Seminario Biblico Mexicano
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Seminario Bíblico Mexicano (Hermosillo, Sonora)
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—South Central Hispanic Region
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—South Eastern Hispanic Region
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Spanish Institute of Ministry
Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Uruguay Church of God (Cleveland, TN)—Venezuela
Church of God of Prophecy—Cuba
Church of God of Prophecy—Dominican Republic
Church of God of Prophecy—Latin America
Church of God of Prophecy—Mexico
Church of God of Prophecy—Spanish Ministries
Church of God School of Theology—International Center for Hispanic Studies
Church of God School of Theology—Puerto Rico Extension
Colegio Bíblico Pentecostal de Puerto Rico
Hargrave, Vessie
Minay, Jose
McCall, William and Frances
Pentecostalism—Latin America
Pentecostal Theological Seminary—Center for Latino Studies
Serving Orphans Worldwide
Syverson, H.S.
Special Collections
Bill Watson, Vault Box 73
Church of God, Costa Rica, Vault Box 278
Church of God, Guatemala, Vault Box 212
Church of God, Puerto Rico, Vault Box 229
El Evangelio de la iglesia de Dios, México, Vault 291
French L. and Frances T. Arrington collection, M0008
International Latin Seminary—Panama, Vault Box 74, 75, 225, 300
Lovell Cary papers, M0005
Luke Summers collection, M0096
J.H. Walker, Jr., Vault Box 70
O'Neil McCullough collection, M0065
Vessie D Hargrave, Vault Box 208 and M0064
Vergil E. Wolf collection, M0045
William and Frances McCall collection, M0063
Audiocassette Tapes
Alfaro, Humberto. El Papel del Hombre Como Esposo #3 Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Betancourt, Esdras. Cómo Desarrollar un Ministerio Efectivo Entre los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos, Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Burgueno, Fidencio. Ideas y Programas para Grupos Juveniles Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Gaetan, Aida. Integracion de la Mujer Hispana: Un Estudio de la Cultura, Sociedad y la Iglesia Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Hagan, Orville. Hispanic Church of God School of Theology Seminar on Ministry, 1987.
Minay, Jose G. El Papel del Hombre Como Padre Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Palazuelos, Regino. Identificando Valores Christianos:Como Tratar con Situaciones de Crisis Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Quintana, Hector. El Papel del Hombre Como Cristiano Congreso Nacional Hispano, 1985.
Rodriguez, Victor. Hispanic Church Growth within Language/Culture Groups. Church of God School of Theology, Seminar on Ministry, 1987 (2 cassette tapes). [Church Tape 19-028, 19-029]
Santana, Lazaro, “The Dynamics of Prayer (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988
—. “The Prayer Life of Christ (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988.
—. “The Pastor and His Prayer Life (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988.
—. “The World Moved by Prayer (Spanish)” the day of his power, 1988.
Pentecostal Theological Seminary Senior Project Papers
Abdala, Geraldo M. Obstaculos en la Desarolla de la Iglesia Misionera en Latinoamerica, 1990.
Aponte, Petra Santa. Creacion de Programa de Capellania para Centro de Tratamiento Social (Hogar de Ninas) de Puerto Rico, 1986.
Arias, Francisco J. La Ciudad de Mexico: Desafios y Alternativas de la Iglesia Metropolitana, 1990.
Arvizu, Rafael. El Programa de Ministerio Supervisado en el Seminario Biblico Mexicano, 1986.
Avilez, Manuel Leyva. Crecimiento de al Iglesia de Dios en la Noroeste de Mexico, 1988.
Bernal, Leonel N. Hacia un Ministerio en El Salvador, 1990.
Colon, Victor. Mision de la Iglesia Hispana Contemporanea en los Estados Unidos, 1995.
Canizalez, Carlos N. El Significado de la Glosolalia en Perspectiva Pentecostal y Latinoamericana, 1995.
Caraballo, Ildefonso. Reflections of a Bible College Teacher, 1986. (Pentecostal Bible College, Puerto Rico).
Cardenas, Fernando. Perspective Integral de un Liderato Hispano de la Iglesia de Dios en los Estados Unidos, 1991.
Carvalho, Sila P. History of the Church of God in Brazil, 1988.
Cedillo, Jose, Chicanos, Choice and Challenge: A Bilingual-Bicultural Model of Ministry for the Mexican-Americans of the Hispanic Church of God in the United States, 1992.
Farias, Sergio. Analisis Historico del Ministerio Educacional Hispano de la Eglesia de Dios en los Estados Unidos: El Instituto Preparatorio Internacional, el Instituto Ministerial Hispano, y la Division Hispana en West Coast Christian College, 1991.
Giron, Rodolfo J. An Historical and Critical Analysis of the Church of God in Guatemala, 1984.
Guerra, Carlos E. Minchez. Historia de la Iglesia di Dios E. C. en Costa Rica, 1993.
Lopez, Javier M. Educacion Teologica por Extension en Mexico, 1994.
Lugo, Ruben. Historia, Desarollo y Analisis de la Iglesia de Dios Hispana en al Territorio Noreste de los Estados Unidos, 1988.
Macon, Maria. El Ministerio Social de la Iglesia de Dios en Guatemala: Reflexiones Acerca del Trabajo Que Realiza el Hogar de Ninos `Casa Shalom’ en Guatemala, 1994.
Montgomery, Israel. Historia, Desarrollo y Analisis de la Iglesia de Dios en al Noroeste de Mexico, 1985.
Nunez, Nelly. Cristo Me Salvo Y Los Pleneros De La Fe.
Orellana, Enrique. An Innovative Concept of a Christian Education Program for the Ecclesiastic Structure of Chile, 1990.
Orozco, German Lopez. Hacia Demension Sociologica del Pentecostalismo Latinoamericano, 1990.
Porras, Jorge A. The Church of God in Colombia: Its Problems and Opportunities from a Colombian Perspective, 1984.
Reyes, Jose A. Los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos un Reto y una Oportunidad para la Iglesia Evangelico, 1984.
Rodriguez, Victor. Crisis and Formation of Identity of the Church of God, 1985. (Hispanic American Ministry).
Sanchez, F. Abel. La Necesidad de una Teologia del Ministrerio, 1990. (Mexico).
Serrano, Ismael, Jr. The Concept of Decentralized Theological Training for Church Leadership in the Republic of Costa Rica, 1990.
Smith, Bedford H. You Can Get to Heaven from Mississippi: A Pentecostal Missionary’s Personal Journey, 1987 (Pentecostal Bible College, Puerto Rico).
Spiegeler, Donald. Missions: A Positive Response, 1986 (Guatemala).
Viera, Luis R. Modelo Contextualizado de Entrenamiento para Lideres Laicos, 1992 (Hispanic American Ministry).
Assemblies of God in Honduras, Estatutos de la Conferencia Evangelica de las Asambleas de Dios en Honduras, C.A. nueva edicion revisada, 1965, Pamphlet Collection, P-0083.
Assemblies of God Foreign Missions Department. Prayer Requests, May–June 1932, Pamphlet Collection, 01341.
Church of God (Cleveland, Tenn.). Programa de Evangelismo y Misiones en La Republica Mexicana. undated. Pamphlet Collection, 01144.
Fagúndez, Washington. Historia Oficial de la Iglesia de Dios en el Uruguay Misiones Mundiales, 2000, Pamphlet collection, 01142.
Incienso No. 3: Para Cultos del Concilio Misionero Femenil, 1948, Pamphlet collection, P-0090.
Latin American District Council in the U.S.A. of the Assemblies of God. Concilio de Distrito Latinoamericano de las Asambleas de Dios: Constitucion, Reglamentos, Minutas, Directorio Ministerial, 1947, Pamphlet collection, P-0097.
Spanish Institute of Ministry, Quiero Cantar..., 1977. pamphlet collection, 01147.
Vargas, Amparo. Temario Feminil, Edicion de Aniversario, 1975, Pamphlet collection, P-0091.
Watson, Rode. Ministério Feminino, 1985, [Portuguese] Pamphlet Collection, 01100.