Finding "Lost" Items
If you discover that an item is missing in response to a researcher's request for use or other reason, perform the first several search steps below quickly. If unsuccessful in locating the item, apologize and refer the researcher to a Squires copy if available, then submit the Lost Items Report Form. This will create an Asana task for the archivist who will set the course of action/assignment.
If assigned a book search by the archivist,
If assigned a book search by the archivist,
- Check re-shelving cart behind reference desk
- Double-check designated spot
- Check the whole shelf
- Check behind the books on the shelf
- Check shelf above and below
- Check the Reference section at the beginning of the stacks
- Check similar call numbers throughout the stacks; e.g., lost BR book, check BH, BP, etc.
- Check on top of information files cabinets
- Check Ready Reference bookshelf in Reading Room
- Check tables/chairs/lockers
- Check workrooms and offices
- Check Squires shelves
- Complete your search by commenting on your work and the item's status in Asana